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Submitted by: Jerry H.Hall
Several scientific studies show that consumption of omega-3 oils leads to a substantially lower risk of death from coronary heart disease. Until recently, experts believed the best sources of omega-3 were fish oils. However, flax seed oil contains twice as much omega-3 essential fatty acids as fish oil products, without the fishy aftertaste. Each concentrated softgel capsule contains 550 mg omega-3 essential fatty acids.
If using the seeds, make sure the seeds are milled, ground up. Otherwise, you won’t be able to absorb them. You can add the ground up seeds to cereal, salads, protein shakes, rice, or just eat them plain. You can add the oil to other liquid drinks, or just drink it straight. A good plan is using 1-2 TBSP of the ground flax seed and 1/2 TBSP Oil in the morning and before bed. Also use 1 TBSP of oil with 1 other meal during the day. You want to get 1-3 TBSPs a day.
Good health requires the right ratio of Omega 3 fatty acids to Omega 6 fatty acids in the diet. The ideal ratio is around 1:2. The average american diet is more around 1:20 to 1:50, with way too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. The ratio present in Flaxseed oil is about 4:1. So flaxseed oil is a good source of Omega 3. You should consume every day small portions of flaxseed or flaxseed oil. However if flaxseed oil is used in the diet for long time, without other oils, it may cause Omega 6 LA deficiency symptoms. So the best bet is to blend flaxseed oil with other oils that contain more Omega 6, in order to get the right balance, such as sesame oil , sunflower oil, evening primrose oil.
It’s important to buy high-quality flax seed oil as it is prone to rancidity. Light and oxygen will slowly breakdown the essential fatty acids. Look for flax seed oil capsules (dark coated soft gels) or oil that is bottled in amber-brown bottles, as these are more resistant to the light and oxygen. Make sure you refrigerate your flax seed oil to help extend its shelf life.
Flax seed oil takes a bit of time to be absorbed into the body before the full beneficial effects begin, ranging anywhere from a few days to as many as six weeks, depending on your overall well-being.
About the Author: Rich in essential fatty acids, flaxseed oil has earned a solid reputation for treating a range of ailments. Visit Our Dedicated Flaxseed site at
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